Your Beliefs carry more power than your Reality. — Dr. Bruce Lipton

To attain and maintain healthy minds and bodies that can support our move into a New Humanity, we must reclaim our inherent power to heal our body, our mind and so the world, by letting go of the past and removing its hold on us.

Modern medicine has led us to believe someone other than ourselves is more qualified than we are, and is responsible for our wellness. We’ve tuned out our inner voice, or we fear trusting it.

Crumbling institutions pushed us to forget our
powers of alchemy and transformation.

As energy beings first and foremost, we function like antennas. We continuously broadcast electromagnetic vibrations based on the tone of our thoughts, beliefs and actions. And like, attracts like, so we get back whatever we emit - - fear, worry, frustration, anger, love, hatred, joy, kindness, etc… Thus, we create our world through our perceptions every moment. This is a choice.

So whether you want to improve a relationship, your health, attract success, or alter your current ‘reality’, the PROCESS is the same:


The New Humanity will lift our precious Earth out of  hatred, greed, prejudice and intolerance into indiscriminating compassion, kindness and a true sense of oneness.

Together we can transform hatred, anger, greed, prejudice and intolerance…into indiscriminate compassion, acceptance, kindness, and love.

In the midst of hate, I found there was, within me, an invincible love.
In the midst of tears, I found there was, within me, an invincible smile.
In the midst of chaos, I found there was, within me, an invincible calm.
I realized, through it all, that…
In the midst of winter, I found there was, within me, an invincible summer.
And that makes me happy.
For it says that no matter how hard the world pushes against me, within me, there’s something stronger – something better, pushing right back. - Albert Camus

The Call

There is a liberation that comes when we begin to face subtle, often unconscious programs that drive our beliefs, choices, attitudes and actions. The program is based on past frozen emotions and experiences and affect our perceptions and well-being.
When we refuse to be conditioned by negative beliefs and habits, and work diligently to transform them, we elevate both our health, our relationships and our world.

People intentionally design their homes to be pleasant and to reflect what they love and value. Yet they pay little attention to designing the space they inhabit every moment… their mind.

Unresolved trauma/emotions cause chemical imbalance, which in time manifests dis-ease.

Nurturing a healthy body is like nurturing a healthy garden…we must carefully and intentionally select the seeds we plant, and what they will produce. Your mind is your garden, the seeds your thoughts, watered by your emotions. What have you been choosing to plant? What emotions water them? Which experiences, memories, or fears are you holding on to that produce weeds?

Explore Your Path


Born in Washington D.C.. I was the 7th child of Ambassador and Mme. Al-Faqih. When I turned two, father was sent to Japan, and the rest of us returned home to Lebanon. I spent the next 20 years in the loving embrace of a large extended family in one of the most beautiful Mediterranean countries renowned for its hospitality, food and agriculture.

At 20 years old, I moved to the US where four of my older siblings had settled. Living on two continents, in two different cultures shaped my mind and heart.

Grounded in a deeply-rooted lineage of spirituality, my understanding of life continued to expand as it spun me through a series of challenging experiences. Each served as a vehicle for inner growth. My great grandmother was the town healer, and had several powerful metaphysical experiences.

On the heels of a health challenge in 2010, I spent the next 13+ years exploring, living and learning methods of holistic healing. Strongly drawn to understand the power of the mind over the body, I studied with renowned practitioners in areas of Nutrition, Energy, power of the Mind, resolving Emotions blocking health, and how they significantly aid or inhibit healing.

Areas of expertise:

  • Anti-Inflammatory focused Nutrition

  • Holistic Cancer Recovery

  • Medicinal QiGong

  • Bengston Energy Healing,

  • EFT tapping

  • LogoSynthesis (to resolve emotional blocks)

  • Silva Ultra-mind method

  • Manifesting techniques

  • Guided meditation

  • Happy Healthy Support Group

  • Spiritual Life Coaching